Video gaming books, like The Video Game Console Collector's Field Guide, are such an amazing way to supplement your gaming collection and level up your gaming IQ. Though a niche section of the market altogether, there are still plenty of authors out there that are passionately putting out content that deserves a spotlight and a place on your shelf.

The Video Game Console Collector's Field Guide
Explore over 1000 unique pieces of video gaming hardware from the Magnavox Odyssey to today’s modern gaming consoles all in one enormous and comprehensive collector’s guide.
The Video Game Console Collector's Field Guide left no stone unturned to bring you the most complete video game console book to date. Pictures and logos of most consoles within are included in the gorgeous visual checklist section while the index gives technical information and personal anecdotes about the hardware within.
Available ~ April 2022
The Video Game Collector's Field Guide
Your Visual Guide to collecting video game sets and subsets. Most major & minor systems from the Fairchild Channel F to the PlayStation 3. There are many publications out there that cover basic video game libraries with popular offerings from companies such as Atari, Nintendo, Sega, etc. But who dares to tackle the obscure? The Video Game Collector’s Field Guide, that’s who. Within these pages you’ll find the Casio Loopy, Virtual Boy, GamePark GP32, Nuon, Gizmondo, Laseractive, Action Max, Pokemon Mini, Game Wave, Saturn, PlayChoice 10, Neo-Geo AES, Pico, Mega Duck, Dreamcast, 3DO, 64DD, Game & Watch, TurboGrafx 16, and so many more........
Check out the blog post on the book for more in-depth information.
Publication was Kickstarted in late 2023 and will print early 2024
Hagen's Alley Books
High Quality Books for the Video Game Collector and Fan
Offerings include:
The Switch Collector: Volume One
The Switch Collector: Volume Two
Twisted Realities: Black Box Challenge
The Complete SNES (Definitive Edition)
The Complete SNES "Pocket Edition"
Nintendo Entertainment System Compendium
Super Nintendo Compendium
1990 Video Game Culture Chronicles
1991 Video Game Culture Chronicles
The Game Console 2.0 by Evan Amos
This revised and expanded second edition of the bestselling The Game Console contains brand new content, with coverage of 50 more consoles, variants, and accessories in 50 added pages. The Game Console 2.0 is a gorgeous coffee table book for geeks and gamers that brings together highly detailed photos of more than 100 video game consoles and their electronic interiors spanning nearly five decades.
Evan Amos is a video gaming photographer of high-quality stock photography of video game consoles, which he releases into the public domain.
Ultimate Nintendo by Pat Contri
Pat Contri is a video game player, collector, and historian known for his web shows Pat the NES Punk, Flea Market Madness, and The Completely Unnecessary Podcast. He is the author of Ultimate Nintendo: Guide to the NES Library, and conducts the live annual NES Charity Marathon benefiting children's hospitals.
In his spare time he enjoys eating numerous nachos, and hanging out with an old Jersey hippie named Frank.
Offerings include:
Ultimate Nintendo: Guide to the NES Library
Ultimate Nintendo: Guide to the SNES Library
Ultimate Nintendo: Guide to the N64 Library - Coming Soonish

The Nostalgia Nerd’s Retro Tech
This book celebrates the most exciting period in the history of technology - the arrival of the home computer and home gaming console. For a time, an exciting and ever-changing array of different companies fought for supremacy, leaving a lasting legacy of great gameplay and surreal design we'll never experience again.
Features screenshots of nostalgic games that will bring joy to the heart of anyone who grew up in the 80s or early 90s, alongside stunning studio photography of the computers that imprinted themselves on a generation's minds
Bitmap Books
Founded by graphic designer Sam Dyer, Bitmap Books is an award-winning independent publisher of retro gaming books. The company aims to celebrate the software, hardware, developers, and code shops that laid down the foundations for the billion-dollar industry we know and love today.
Its sumptuous, high-quality books are presented as visual celebrations of the video game industry, enabling you to relive the golden age of video games. Twenty books have been published so far, and each is filled with interviews, quotes and anecdotes from the artists, programmers and publishers that created some of the most iconic games of all time.
Brett Weiss Books
Brett Weiss has been a professional writer since 1997. He’s the author of 10 books: Encyclopedia of KISS, How to Get Published: 50 Successful Query Letters; The 100 Greatest Console Video Games: 1977-1987; Retro Pop Culture A to Z: From Atari 2600 to Zombie Films; The Arcade and Other Strange Tales; Classic Home Video Games 1972-1984; Classic Home Video Games 1985-1988; Classic Home Video Games 1989-1990; The SNES Omnibus: The Super Nintendo and Its Games, Vol. 1 (A-M), and The SNES Omnibus: The Super Nintendo and Its Games, Vol. 2 (N-Z).
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